Hi, I’m Lauren.
Birth is like a magnet for my soul.
I know its secret language, I understand its ebbs and flows. Its current.
I am fully aware of the honor and responsibility it is to be a quiet witness, a strong post to lean on and to show you your strength, beauty and love back to you.
Birth, transformation and redefining ones self has always been a part of my life, holding space and being a witness to these parts of life is just who I am.
I was born into a family of strong women. The youngest of 5 kids, (not saying I was an oops but…) I came along a little later than my siblings.
I was the happiest chubbiest little toddler there ever was, but sadness hit our family when my Dad passed away in an accident when I was 2.
Enter all those strong women.
It was just me and them. And then their partners. And then their babies. And I was just always there in the center, a part of all of it because I didn’t know how not to be.
I still don’t know how not to be, because birth is like a magnet for my soul.
I would love to be the one who supports you through this life changing experience.