What began as a conversation with each of my doula clients to help them prepare for their postpartum journey has turned into a passion for sharing women’s postpartum stories. For too long our culture has overlooked and mistreated women, especially when it comes to maternal care. Look at the statistics for women of color, and the numbers are staggering! We are losing mothers and leaving them behind, depleted, left and right. I find myself feeling overwhelmed wondering how, I, this one person, can create change; to protect those who need protection the most, during a season of life where everything feels scary and new.
I am confident that my work serving women as a birth and postpartum doula makes a difference, but my heart longs for more. When I took a step back, aka my let my mind run wild while I took a shower one day, my mind quickly came to a resting point with an answer; be the vessel to share women’s stories. That simple, huh? Wasn’t I already doing that?? Well, yes and no.
While I was showing up for women during this phase of life and sharing their journeys through photographs and short films, I wasn’t giving them a platform to share their journey in their own words to the rest of the world.
So, I began this project: Life, Postpartum.
A safe place for women to share their individual and unique postpartum stories...however that looks and feels for them.
Want to contribute to this project with your own story? Reach out and let me know!
As important as it is for me to share women’s postpartum stories to spread awareness and cultivate a sense of belonging, I also want to contribute to the conversation of owning our bodies at every stage of life, with a special emphasis on how our bodies transform during postpartum (which, *newsflash* is a lot longer than “6 weeks”).
Live in the greater Los Angeles area and want to be apart of this project with me? Fill out my contact information letting me know where you live and a little about yourself!