Alas, Benny's birthday.
My little Benny boy is one. I'm not quite sure how this happened, but it has. I feel like I was JUST at the birthing center all excited to find out that I had a new nephew! But I guess that's so typical..."I feel like that was yesterday." Well then write cliche all over me, because it does feel like yesterday. You can view the original post here, of course I was late to blog about that post is a birth story/family session. But here he is, only a few hours old! XX LAUREN.
Oh, the difference of a year. I have some film shots from the birthday party, lucky for me I got the scans before I blogged. Here is my big boy!
My niece Ashley is one now too (she's a little ahead of Benny)! Dear children: stop growing! :)
Look at all that sass miss Aerial has...cracks me up!
And there he goes...what a big boy!
So there is the little guy's birthday in a nutshell. Love all of these kiddos! //