Elisabeth // Home Birth Photographer
"You have to let go and surrender to your body. Trust your body, it knows what to do." That is probably one of the most important things I've learned since becoming a birth worker. I think it is the single most true, and nearly impossible, statement about labor. If you've given birth you can most likely remember how difficult it was to not tense up and not worry about the contractions that were yet to come. Labor & delivery requires your full attention on the present moment. Each contraction. One at a time, and not concerning yourself with the next. Focusing on your breathing and surrendering to your body with each contraction. I can only imagine how difficult this is for moms...especially if they're ruled by their thoughts like I am. "You mean I can't control something my body is going through?!?"
It's the biggest lesson in letting go.
Being apart of Melissa's labor & delivery, I witnessed how peaceful a birth can go when you let go of the control you think you have and truly surrender to your body and baby. Melissa did such an amazing job, and it was such an honor to be there to capture the home water birth of sweet little Elisabeth.
Here's a bit of her birth story...