Benny and the Jets...oops, I mean Jacksons.
Now, since I have been on a downward slope with blogging, I never got to share my new beautiful nephew, Benny! Benny and the Jets will forever be this sweet little boy's theme song.
He is now about 6 weeks old, and just plain adorable. I'm going to combine this post with his newborn and one month pictures.
The night he was born, or early morning I should say, I got a call at about 2 am from my mom saying he was on the way. Granted, at the time we had no idea it was a he since my sister and her husband chose to keep it a surprise. So I got out of bed, threw clothes on, and drove the 30 minutes to the birthing center. I thought everything was fine and dandy, until I got to the street where it was "supposedly" located. It was dark. All the buildings looked like corporate/warehouse buildings, and no one was around. After about twenty minutes of driving back & forth, I got the phone number for the birthing center and finally arrived (with assistance of course). To my defense, I am very good with directions. With the address I was given, two of the numbers were written out of order :)
So I walk in, totally expecting my sister to be in mid-contraction, only to hear a sweet itty bitty baby cry.
I turned to the midwife and said the baby's already here?? I walk into the room to see I am a new auntie to an amazing little boy. My eyes welled up, and my heart was immediately full of love for this new little guy. I mean, how could you not just completely fall in love with this face?
Well, this last month I shot some pictures of all the kiddos, and got a few family ones in there.
We were having a karate battle. If there is one thing to know about this boy is he loves Kung Fu.
I love how in this next shot Corrie is just in her own little world, and so is Ransom. Total boy and girl :)
Poor Benny, he's wondering what the heck is going on??
And of course here are a few of Benny :)
It's crazy to think that my first niece and nephew (my babies!) are these big kids, and they now have this wonderful addition in their family. It's a funny thing how we can't picture life much different than the way in which we live, then when a little gift like Benny arrives you can't imagine life without him.
I love my family.
with love,