New York Lifestyle Family Photographer - Lippke Family
Imagine it's early morning at Penn Station and all is quiet - well, relatively quiet (it is New York after all) - until you see a lady frantically running around looking very lost and lugging a big camera bag over her shoulder. That lady? That might have been me the morning of this session.
Here I thought I had everything to the station on time, found my way to the platform for my train out to Long Island. All was right, until I noticed my tired brain brought me to the wrong platform and my train was leaving in a couple of minutes. Panic set in, and I hauled up the stairwell next to me and raced through the station to find my train. And as you can guess from these pictures, I made it just in time.
It seems a little bit funny to post a session that required winter coats when it's currently hot and humid in New York! ;) But I love this family too much not to share my day with them last November. So much had changed since seeing them the year prior from their little girl growing to their big move from Williamsburg to Long Island.
Here are a few of my favorites from our time together...
PS. Live in New York and want your sweet family's life to be documented? I'll be back in New York in October and will be taking a limited number of family sessions - feel free to shoot me an email for more information! :)